Hait: Sentrifugaaliset haihduttimet

Centrifugal evaporators are used when more than one sample evaporation is required in pharmaceutical, chemical, or biotechnology industries. The concentrators have a cold trap in between the pump and the chamber containing the mixture to collect vaporized solvents and leave concentrated samples behind. Eliminating possible solvent bumping, the gentle evaporation uses a downward vacuum boil to additionally minimize boiling over and sample loss. The centrifugal evaporator systems have control panels that easily modify processing for specific requirements.

Centrifugal evaporators are used when more than one sample evaporation is required in pharmaceutical, chemical, or biotechnology industries. The concentrators have a cold trap in between the pump and the chamber containing the mixture to collect vaporized solvents and leave concentrated samples behind. Eliminating possible solvent bumping, the gentle evaporation uses a downward vacuum boil to additionally minimize boiling over and sample loss. The centrifugal evaporator systems have control panels that easily modify processing for specific requirements.

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Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: These systems use vacuum along with heat and vortex motion to help speed evaporation and provide an alternative to traditional centrifugal evaporation...

Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: CentriVap® vacuum concentrators are available as complete systems or system packages. The acid resistant model is recommended for corrosive solvents (...

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Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: CentriVap®-tyhjiökonsentraattoreita on useita eri malleja. CentriVap® DNA -mallin kanssa toimitetaan kiinteä kalvopumppu (34 litraa/min), ka...


Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: The refrigerated CentriVap centrifugal concentrator is designed to rapidly concentrate multiple small heat-sensitive samples, such as RNA and proteins...

Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: This system uses nitrogen blow down, vortex motion and heat to speed evaporation of up to 48 small samples or eight 450 milliliter samples at once.
Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: Combine the separate concentrator and cold trap components into one space-saving console and include casters for portability from laboratory to labora...

Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: This evaporator speeds evaporation of up to 50 samples at the same time using dry heat and nitrogen blow down. Unlike water bath heaters, the dry bloc...

Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: Tehokas automaattinen haihdutinjärjestelmä, jota voi käyttää mitä erilaisimpien voimakkaiden kemikaalien kanssa. RapidVap N₂ -järjestelmissä typen tai...

Tuoteluettelon nro: (535-0107)
Toimittaja: LABCONCO
Kuvaus: The CentriVap micro IR vacuum concentrator has a very small footprint and therefore fits in tight spaces. It is ideal for small samples such as DNA an...
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Kuvaus: The Thermo Scientific™ Savant™ SpeedVac™ SPD210 vacuum concentrator is a large-capacity vacuum concentrator with a modular design, ideal for drying aq...

Tuoteluettelon nro: (WHEA297883)
Toimittaja: DWK Life Sciences
Kuvaus: This unit is designed for the concentration of trace amounts of analytes in an organic solvent prior to analysis.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Toimittaja: EPPENDORF
Kuvaus: This ergonomic, intuitive concentrator provides quick, efficient and gentle vacuum concentration of DNA/RNA, nucleotides, proteins and other liquid or...

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Alkoholi ja käyttöluvat: Asiakkaalla on oltava kyseisessä toimipaikassa voimassa oleva lupaviranomaisen (Valvira) myöntämä alkoholin ostolupa tilaamilleen tuotteille.
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