General lab supplies

Some products are essential in every lab. Improve safety in your lab with VWRC and Merck's spillage kits, detergents, etc.

Product Categories

Detergents and surface cleansers

A complete range of detergents to clean your laboratory from top to bottom.....Ecological, Efficient, Excellent power of cleaning with no residue, high activity and low consumption

Safety spillage control material

Rapid absportion of low viscosity liquids including acids, alkalis, other aqueous solutions and organic liquids.

Molecular sieves

Molecular sieves are used to adsorb gasses or liquids. Different pore sizes available.


The purest sand used for clarification of your product.

Silica gel beads for dessicators

Silica gel beads to keep your dessicator dry and safe to store moisture sensitive products.

VWR:n silikageelit eksikaattoreille

Erilaiset silikageelirakeet pitävät eksikaattorisi kuivana ja turvallisena kosteudelle herkkien tuotteiden säilyttämiseen

VWR-apuvälineet − Suodattimet

Erilaisia piimaalaatuja, joiden läpäisevyydet vastaavat lähes kaikkia näytteiden valmistelumenetelmien suodatusvaatimuksia.


Additional Resource

Chemical Safety in the Laboratory

Take a look at our webpage on safety or listen to the Merck webinar on safety

Webinar: Merck Lab safety

Webinar - How to make your lab a safer place? Bring safety in your lab to the next level with Merck!